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Presentación Sekonda 3017; Comparativa Con Strela 204

@spitfiremkii Estas pasadas Navidades, para ser originales, he recibido como regalo un reloj. Afortunadamente no se trata del típico reloj, sino que se trata de un modelo que hacía años que buscaba: un Sekonda de 1966. Ha sido un largo proceso, a la vez que intermitente. Nunca acababa de ponerse… Leer más »Presentación Sekonda 3017; Comparativa Con Strela 204


Vostok Amphibia Type 350 Primera Generación

@thepocketwatchman Me atrevería a afirmar que en el mundo de los aficionados a la relojería en general, no hay nadie que no conozca el Vostok Amphibia. Este último, con sus más de 50 años de vida, se ha convertido en el máximo exponente de la relojería ruso-soviética. A lo largo… Leer más »Vostok Amphibia Type 350 Primera Generación


Sturmanskie 15J (English)

@thepocketwatchman On 12th April 1961, First Lieutenant Yuri Gagarin became the first person to journey into space on board Vostok-1. Only two years later, on 16th June 1963, Valentina Tereshkova achieved the same feat commanding the Vostok-6 mission. So what did these two cosmonauts have in common? Both were officers… Leer más »Sturmanskie 15J (English)


The Digital Revolution In The Soviet Union. Part 3

@thepocketwatchman As we discussed in the previous chapter, the progressive decrease in production costs, and the price charged consumers, led to the appearance of different models, with various functions, that satisfied user demand. If we examine catalogues of the era, we can appreciate the diversity of models and popularity of… Leer más »The Digital Revolution In The Soviet Union. Part 3


The Digital Revolution In The Soviet Union. Part 2.

@thepocketwatchman The LED Display Beginnings As we learnt in the first part, early Soviet prototypes and experimental digital watch modules were based on LED displays. However, their high consumption and the technical difficulty of mass producing them led to the development of LCD displays. This is something that had already… Leer más »The Digital Revolution In The Soviet Union. Part 2.


The Digital Watch Revolution In The Soviet Union

@thepocketwatchman A Relaxed Meeting It is relatively well known that when Mr. Leonid Brezhnev served as Secretary General of the Communist Party of the USSR, he instigated policies seeking to reduce tensions with foreign powers, in particular towards the USA. As a result of this initiative, the SALT (Strategic Arms… Leer más »The Digital Watch Revolution In The Soviet Union


Navy Vodolaz ChS 191 – водолазные “ЗЧЗ” 191-ЧС заказ для ВМФ

@thepocketwatchman Today, I would like to introduce an iconic Soviet military watch. The Vodolaz ChS 191 is a watch with a lot of history behind it. It is special for many reasons. During World War II, the armed forces of many countries created submarine combat units. These elite corps were… Leer más »Navy Vodolaz ChS 191 – водолазные “ЗЧЗ” 191-ЧС заказ для ВМФ


Unique Soviet Watches In The Italian Market: The Beginning

@timebehindtheironcurtain Hello comrades. Today, I would like to write about Soviet watches imported into the Italian market in the late 1980s. It was highly fashionable to be seen wearing a “Soviet style” piece, as is evident from this article. The watches were imported by two main companies, Time Trend and… Leer más »Unique Soviet Watches In The Italian Market: The Beginning


ChK-28 Chronograph

@thepocketwatchman Today, I would like to discuss what could be cataloged as the first hand-held chronograph manufactured in the Soviet Union after WWII, the renown Chk-28. Unfortunately, there is limited information about our protagonist, but we shall certainly try to review what is known about its history. The Chk-28 was… Leer más »ChK-28 Chronograph