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Raketa 24 Horas Edición “North-West Shipping Company”

Raketa 24 Horas Edición “North-West Shipping Company”

@timebehindtheironcurtain Hola amigos de “The Russian Watch Corner“. Hoy me gustaría enseñaros un reloj que considero muy significativo y que tras mucho tiempo de búsqueda al final he podido conseguir. Antes de presentar el reloj, quería señalar que no lo habría podido conseguir sin la ayuda de mi buen amigo… Leer más »Raketa 24 Horas Edición “North-West Shipping Company”

Raketa 24 Hours “North-West Shipping Company” Edition

Raketa 24 Hours “North-West Shipping Company” Edition

@timebehindtheironcurtain Hello again, friends of “The Russian Watch Corner“! Today I would like to show you a watch that I consider to be highly significant and that I have managed to track down after a long search. Before I start, I would like to point out that this would not… Leer más »Raketa 24 Hours “North-West Shipping Company” Edition

Unique Soviet Watches In The Italian Market: Komandirskies

Unique Soviet Watches In The Italian Market: Komandirskies

@timebehindtheironcurtain We continue our journey focusing on Soviet watches manufactured for the Italian market, which we started here and continued with a chapter dedicated to Raketa. Today, we shall examine Komandirskies, one of the most famous lines of watches from the USSR. Perhaps the most characteristic feature of the line is the large… Leer más »Unique Soviet Watches In The Italian Market: Komandirskies

Unique Soviet Watches In The Italian Market: Raketa

Unique Soviet Watches In The Italian Market: Raketa

@timebehindtheironcurtain In our first instalment, we talked in general terms about special Soviet designs for the Italian market. In this post, I want to talk about the role played by Raketa in this market. As you may well know, the Raketa factory located at Peterhoff has been producing watches since… Leer más »Unique Soviet Watches In The Italian Market: Raketa

A Little Insight Into Dmitry Buyalov (Meranom)

A Little Insight Into Dmitry Buyalov (Meranom)

@timebehindtheironcurtain Nota: Esta es la entrada original. La versión en castellano la encontraréis en este vínculo. Today, we proudly share with you an interview with a very special person in the world of Russian watches: Dmitry Yuryevich Buyalov. You might already know of him as the mastermind behind the website… Leer más »A Little Insight Into Dmitry Buyalov (Meranom)

Entrevista Con Dmitry Buyalov (Meranom)

Entrevista Con Dmitry Buyalov (Meranom)

@timebehindtheironcurtain Hoy, nos enorgullece enormemente compartir con todos vosotros una entrevista con una persona muy especial en el mundo de los relojes rusos: Dmitry Yuryevich Buyalov. Quizás ya lo conozcáis como el cerebro detrás de la web y los diseños de, de la que es copropietario, además de ser el director… Leer más »Entrevista Con Dmitry Buyalov (Meranom)

Unique Soviet Watches In The Italian Market: The Beginning

Unique Soviet Watches In The Italian Market: The Beginning

@timebehindtheironcurtain Hello comrades. Today, I would like to write about Soviet watches imported into the Italian market in the late 1980s. It was highly fashionable to be seen wearing a “Soviet style” piece, as is evident from this article. The watches were imported by two main companies, Time Trend and… Leer más »Unique Soviet Watches In The Italian Market: The Beginning